Bars & restaurants

Within 1Okm there are moren then 100 bars and restaurants. Plenty of choice


A café/restaurant with a large garden terrace in the middle of the wooded D'Hoppe in Vloesberg. There are regular concerts, but also deejays or spontaneous parties. The menu changes weekly. Pizza and hamburger are definitely on the menu.

Faim de Ligne

Bistro with classic dishes, tasty wines and regional beers.
Reservation recommended


Cozy brasserie / café in the heart of Zarlardinge

't Barakske

Belgian bar & restaurant


In Brasserie Harmonie you can sink into a historic setting with a good beer from their extensive beer list or a warm cup of coffee. The daily newspaper, a good performance, ...

La Difference

Under a majestic dome of glass and lead you can enjoy culinary delights from a no-nonsense kitchen at palatable prices with atmospheric music.


Le Vieux Château

Whoever eats at Le Vieux Château surrenders to a whirlwind of flavors and textures, to a barrage of surprises in the mouth and nose. In the kitchen people are constantly looking for new flavors and stimuli.

**Le Château Mylord

The second Michelin star that 'Le Château du Mylord' has been awarded is a reward for the many years of passion, work and service to their customers.

De Vijf Seizoenen

Gastronomy prepared with seasonal, local products grown with respect for the climate and the environment.